We have several issues that we need to act on that were discussed during the last regular meeting in June.
First, we all need to support Vice President Fred Nicholson's concept of sharing favorite mushroom picking sites amongst ourselves. The picnic would be a good time to bring the data on your best mushroom picking spots, and maps of how to get there. This will enable Fred to compile and publish a listing prior to the upcoming mushroom season. Remember that the next regular meeting is not until October, so we need to try to act on this before then.
Second is the fact that we need to think about whether or not we want to change meeting locations and dates, as also discussed during the last regular meeting. We will need to touch on this further during the picnic.
There is no question but that the club needs additional funds. The two prong solution suggested to solve this situation was to raise the dues and to reduce our rental expenses. As members, we need to also be ready to respond to these suggestions and/or present other ideas.
See the club section on page 2 for directions to Helmick Park, which is where we will be holding our annual picnic on Saturday, September 11th. Since you are not receiving the directions during the first week of August, it must not be on time (see comment last issue)!