Why is Judd Gregg Smiling?
Gregg Moves Slightly Toward Spending Restraint (Very Slightly) -- American Spectator
Monitor Scribbler Slams Entrenched Pols -- Katy Burns
Ta-daaa...Same Reason These Guys Are...
In which senior N.H. Senator
Judd Gregg votes with 36 Democrats and 17 other Republicans against a
tough border closing measure on May 18th...But, hey, he’s a Republican...that’s the
important thing…It is remembered that Gregg co-sponsored that stellar
federalizing of U.S. education policy with Ted Kennedy known as 'No Child
Left Behind'...Maybe what the Grand Old Party needs, with its arrogant,
bloated big spending ways, is to get booted out of the majority this
coming November...With Republicans like these, who needs Democrats? See
Limbaugh link
Update: Gregg voted with the majority on May 25th to support the odious senate amnesty bill...LINK
2006 SurveyUSA Senate Poll
Gregg: 55% Approve -- 35% Disapprove: Net Approval: 20%
Sununu 47% Approve -- 43 Disapprove: Net Approval: 4%
Posted May 19, 2006; updated May 25, 2006
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