New Hampshire House of Representatives,1951Session, Speaker Lane Dwinell, later governor and U.S. assistant secretary of state, presiding. At the press table to the left of the rostrum is Leon W. Anderson of the Concord Monitor, later Legislative Historian (the State Archives building is named in his honor), and D. Frank O'Neill of the then Manchester Union Leader (in glasses, third behind the two sitting at the clerk's table). Also seen in this portion of a larger panorama is future speaker W. Douglas Scamman Sr., Joseph H. Geisel of Manchester, Joseph F. Smith of Meredith, Captain Emery P. Eldridge of Exeter, Hilda Brungot of Berlin. If you can recognize others, please email names to this website. -- Dean Dexter Collection.
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The Fall of Sherman Adams, Ike's 'Right Hand Man'
“The thing to remember is that the six million Jews who were murdered would, today, be the parents and grandparents of 20 million.” – Former Laconia (N.H.) Mayor Edwin I. Chertok