Hi. I'm Weezel, aka Louise, and this is my page. It's been here since the 90's and just got a facelift. That required that I remember my geeky self. It's been a while since I coded for a living or even for entertainment. So I'm in the process of updating knowledge that stalled out in the mid-90's.
Of course, that's fun. I'm a student by inclination. I got my masters degree (in special education) in May of 2006. Teaching is my third major profession, after stints as a software engineer and a technical writer. I've had minor professions also: I've run a small crafts business, I've worked at plant nurseries and Mailboxes Etc. But I've been teaching, in various ways, nearly all my life, and gardening nearly all my life too. Actually, I think of teaching as a sub-category of gardening, but that is an entire topic of its own.
To complete the thumbnail sketch, in no particular order, I've got three siamese cats, a lot of gardens, a bachelor's degree from Oberlin College, and went to Phillips Andover as a day student, driving there on my Hodaka 125 two-stroke motorcycle. I like people, building stone walls, reading, dancing ballroom/latin/swing, role-playing (both mudding and a weekly FRP game), and, both out of necessity and a curious preference, home maintenance. I don't watch TV.
This page is an index to everything else. My stuff is at the top of the list. Links to other people's stuff is after that and on some of my other pages. I'm revamping the whole site and actually adding new content. Woo!
- Weezel-Chow
- (Nothing to do with Purina.) These are recipes I like.
Mostly I'll post ones I've created or modified,
unless I have one that is a family recipe or one someone I know created and
wants me to post, or whatever. Added 3 August 2006.
- BoxMud information
- BoxMud is owned by KeeL. I was the head builder on it.
This page has info, maps, cheatsheets, and other goodies for
everyone working on BoxMud who wants them. Email stuff to me
(little stuff!) if you want it posted. If you have a graphic,
let me know. Added 1 May 2005. Kept for history; BoxMud's kaput now.
- How to Find Your Self
- Something I wrote. It worked for me. It's just getting started. It's about how to get yourself started when you're not. And so on. Most recent change, 11 March 2008.
- Weezel's Mud Page
- If you're interested in gardens or in pottery, whether you're a
professional, a student, or simply interested, check this out. Nothing
to do with virtual realities, though I've been there, done that, still do
sometimes. Most recent change, check garden links, 3 Aug 2006.
- Weezel's Poems
- Some of my poems. I'm adding more as I get to it. Most recent change,
sometime in 99.
- Weezel Thoughts
- It's not a journal, since it's not happening regularly. But every so often
I get inspired to write something, usually in email to my friends. So here's
a few. Most recent change, 28 August 2011.
This is where the kitty syringe-feeding instructions are.
- Weezel-Friends
- A page for my friends' links... just getting started. Most recent change,
03 August 2006.
- Weasels!
Weasels. The real kind. I couldn't forget about them! This page tells you how to find a weasel. I think that's important. What if I got lost? I need everyone to know this. And aren't we cute? How could you ignore a face like that!?
I also couldn't forget about
Weasel Coffee.
And now there is
gifweasel. It's a little tool for making parts of a gif image transparent, usually used on an image background but who says you can't make something else vanish. Look at that weasel's teeth! It could make many things vanish. My fiance made this tool. He thinks weasels are fun. I think that's mighty fine. We are fun!
- Jonathan Cainer's Horoscopes (US)
- Jonathan Cainer's Horoscopes (UK)
- Interesting comments on life even if you don't believe in astrology.
- MacFixit
- I'm in the Mac camp, as far as personal computers go (although I've tried
Dos, Windows of various shades, UN*X of various shells, VMS, and even CDC
This is a great reference page for keeping up to date with new releases,
bugfixes, and other information on Macintosh computing.
- USPS page
- The U.S. Postal Service Address Quality and ZIP Code Lookup page, just in case you're truely bored.

Technical notes: I write my pages using BBEdit Lite, on a Mac (of course), and tend to test in Safari. If something doesn't work, or if you have comments, send me some
. You will have to edit the address and replace the .at. with the @ sign. That's to keep automatic things from picking up my email address. I get enough spam already.
I used a very convenient graphics generator page to make my headers. They didn't flood me with pop-ups and the header graphics were clean and free of dithering. So, these guys get a linkback:
Provider: MV Communications, Inc. Last Modified: 26 August 2009
This page has been accessed times since December 8, 1998.