Step 1: The first thing you'll get, as a builder, is an area or part of an area where you can work/play/learn. If you didn't get one, ask Keel/Noviti, Sabriel, or Briyer to do that. You want your own little space so you can learn without worrying about mucking up someone's precious rooms that they didn't save yet.
Step 2: Once you have your space, read the information on The Building Rules List, then the Describing links, then the Navigating links. You'll need to know this stuff.
Step 3: Next, find out what the first room vnum in your assigned space is, and what the area vnum is. If you have an area to work in, your first vnum will be 1. If it's a set of numbers in an area, it might not be 1. So find out. I'll use room 100 in area 1 as my example. Change those numbers to the ones you are given.
Step 4: Get into the editor, editing the first room in your space.
Step 5: Play with all the options until you know what they'll do.
Here's the example:
redit 100 1
Welcome to BoxMUD's Room Editor!
You will not be able to use normal command while in editting mode. ((it lies))
Type HELP if you need assistance.
Number: 110 Name:
In area: 1: Crap
Enter "show desc" to view the descs.
Enter "show extradesc" to view extra descs.
Area Room Direction
Move drain: 0
Room flags: None.
Number Type Target
help will show a brief list of commands. Just type it, like this:
Options for RoomEdit:
show edit create end save list name desc exit
move reset extradesc flag
Here's what each of these options does:
- show: Just lists the room info.
- edit: Lets you change the room you're editing. edit new_vnum *use your desired vnum in place of new_vnum*
- create: Lets you create a new room and switch to editing that one. create new_vnum *use your desired vnum in place of new_vnum*
- end: Get me outta here!
- save: Saves what you just did before something drastic turns your bits into all 0's.
- list: Lists all the rooms in the area.
- name: Sets a name for the room.
- desc: Tosses you into the editor to enter your room description.
- exit: The first keyword in the three exit commands, used to create, delete, or add flags to an exit.
- flag: flags for the room. Type "flag" with nothing after it to get the current list.
- move: sets the move rate. Cities should remain 0. Roads outside the city, 1. Harder terrain, more. Sab's working this out. Ask him.
Exit needs more explanation. But first... you'll see "reverse" and "noreverse" in the descriptions of exit commands just below. Here's what it means:
- The reverse keyword adds/deletes the exit in both directions, that is, the current room and the target room. "reverse" is the default for flags. That's because if you flag an exit to be a door, most of the time it's a door from both directions.
- The noreverse keyword toggles a flag in only the current room. Think this through if you use it. A room that mobs can get into but not out of will fill up with mobs. Not so good, probably, unless it's a tiger pit. But, if you've got a maze and the entrance out of it and into it aren't opposite directions, it won't work to let the code figure it out. In that case, you want to specify the noreverse keyword and flag both in and out directions manually. And a lot of times something is hidden from one direction only. But it's an openable door in both directions. See? Think about this when you build.
So, that said... the exit commands are as follows:
- creating a new exit: exit add direction target_room (target_area) [reverse]
Example: exit add east 23 4 reverse
- deleting an existing exit: exit delete direction [reverse]
Example: exit delete east
- putting flags on an existing exit: exit flag direction flag [noreverse]
Example: exit flag east nomob ... flags east from this room and west from the room east leads to with nomob.
Example: exit flag east nomob noreverse ... just flags east from this room with nomob.
Type "exit flag" and the direction to get a list of flags. I think.