This recipe was made up as I cooked! It's really yummy. Smells like thanksgiving while cooking. I served it with chutney because I had no cranberry sauce. You could also serve a green veg. Serves 2ish.
Put in all the spices you'd put in stuffing. Measure schmeasure... put enough in so it smells good. That's thyme, sage.... oh, if you have that stuff called "poultry seasoning" just dump in a tablespoon of that and be done with it... parsley, basil... whatever else is green in a spice jar... salt and pepper, and maybe some onion and garlic powders.
Put in some broth you have in the freezer. You don't make it? Hrm. Water if you must. It'll be ok. The salty stuff you make from powder is NOT ok.
Cover and cook for an hour.
If you didn't add potatoes add about a cup of the flakes, a cup of water and one of milk... and mash everything together (do that last bit regardless, adding the milk and water as needed).
"correct seasoning". That is, taste it and add more garlic. You always need more garlic.
Cook a little longer. Check the thighs, If they're still pink in the middle cut slices into them to let the heat in so they will finish. Should take 1.5 hours total to cook.
(My old house really looked like that in the winter!)
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Last Modified: 1 July 2010