Governor Hugh Gregg 1917-2003, Tireless Booster of All Things New
Hugh Gregg, Governor of New
Hampshire, 1953-1955, the state house portrait.
One of the grand Old Lions of New Hampshire politics is dead.
Hugh Gregg, former mayor of Nashua, former governor of New Hampshire, always a
campaign manager and confidante of presidents, and would-be presidents, guru to
lesser office-holders – author, amateur historian, tireless political
campaigner, booster of All Things New Hampshire, and lately Keeper of the Flame
of the state’s First in the Nation Presidential Primary, passed away Wednesday
morning, September 24, 2003 in his home town of Nashua at 85.
It is ironic that Hugh Gregg’s death came in the same year of the Old Man of the
Mountain’s collapse from the ledges of Cannon Mountain just six months earlier,
and at a time when the New Hampshire Primary, itself, is under attack as never
before – with the rise in prominence of contests in the south, including a
threat from the District of Columbia, no less, and all other places that highly
envy the hot national spotlight that has been New Hampshire’s every four years
since 1952.
Gregg, whose craggy features in profile, come to think of it, were not unlike
those of the Great Stone Face, itself, was once the boy wonder of Granite State
politics, having been elected governor in his mid-thirties, out-polling the
popular Republican candidate for president, Dwight Eisenhower, in the 1952 state
General Election. Later he chaired the ill-fated presidential campaign of New
York Governor Nelson Rockefeller in the early 1960s, forever labeling him a
member of the 'liberal, moderate' wing of the party, although Hugh Gregg was
more than that.
After serving as a youthful, can-do mayor of Nashua, the state’s second largest
city at a time when economic crisis hit that community, Gregg was elected to one
term as governor, leaving the Corner Office without seeking re-election to tend
the family business after his father’s death. A comeback try for governor in the
1960 primary was unsuccessful.
In 1976 Gregg chaired the Ronald Reagan campaign in his challenge of President
Gerald Ford, setting the stage for a victory for The Gipper four years later.
But Gregg is most famous for his unceasing promotion of the first George Bush,
who virtually made the Gregg residence in Nashua his second home during the
1979-80 primary cycle. Although Reagan won that primary and then the White
House, Bush went on to serve as vice president, then, of course president. Many
credit Bush’s impressive New Hampshire campaign under Gregg’s watchful eye as
the key to his later successes.
As Gregg saw his son Judd’s political career rise – from governor’s councilor,
to congressman, to governor, and now U.S. Senator, the old war horse kept his
hand in the game as strategist to his son’s efforts – fading more behind the
scenes with each step up the son took.
But Hugh Gregg eclipsed his son, moving on to become an elder
statesman, joining other greats from his generation, like Senators Styles
Bridges, Norris Cotton, and Governor’s Lane Dwinell, Sherman Adams and Mel
Thomson, and Congressman Perkins Bass.
Although patrician and wealthy, Hugh Gregg never lost touch with everyday
people. He wasn’t afraid to be seen around the state house without a tie or in
scuffy shoes or big all-weather boots under his Brooks Brothers dress pants. He
was outward, gregarious, fun-loving and sometimes loud. But always he was
approachable. Always he was candid, with that matter-of-fact shrug of his. But
he was very much the governor. Always the governor, in contrast to the reticent,
low-key style of the son.
Judd Gregg, congressman, governor, U.S. Senator, the state house portrait.
The state house portraits of the two are a study in this contrast. There is the
elder Gregg presented in a nearly life-size portrait, dressed in a gray business
suit -- very 50-ish, arm out-stretched, looking off yonder, young and
thirty-something. No wrinkles. The portrait of the son is different. Laid back,
casual dress, open sports shirt, outside with mountains in the background,
looking straight at you with a bit of a smile, kind of fortyish. Kind of Jerry
Seinfeldish . Like maybe the mock-up of a cover for an outdoor sports magazine.
Very much un-State House. Very new generation. But then, as the old man once
said, sitting in his cluttered office in that little house next to his residence
in Nashua, "Can’t argue with success, he went farther then I did…"
The last years of Gregg’s life saw him spark the establishment of the Museum of
Political History at the N.H. State Library, dedicated to the role New Hampshire
has played in Presidential politics. The author of two books and numerous
articles on the state primary are part of his legacy, too.
He was tireless. Before the library, Gregg wrote a book,* a convincing case for
establishing New Hampshire as the birthplace of the Republican Party under an
abolitionist former N. H. Congressman and Lincoln friend, Amos Tuck at a meeting
in Exeter in October of 1853. Some stuck-up editorial writers at the time
scoffed and said "who cares" where the party was founded. Mostly they were from
papers that always support Democrats.
But some New Hampshire pundits and editorial writers are even today writing "who
cares" about the state’s First in the Nation Primary. They are few, but they’re
still there. Maybe they’d believe differently if they owned television stations
instead of newspapers, with the huge advertising revenues the primaries produce
for the likes of Manchester's WMUR Channel 9, or maybe in the hotel or
restaurant business like the Wayfarer or Bedford Village Inn, or in the business
of being proud of New Hampshire and promoting it, like Hugh Gregg.
Hugh Gregg was one of those political animals that never let the bitterness and
rivalries and petty egotism of the craft get him down. In the end he was always
positive, up-beat, encouraging, like a football coach. He rose above the
vindictive, personalize, scorched earth liberal vs. conservative struggling that
is so much a part of today’s body politic to truly promote and celebrate the
contribution New Hampshire has made to the national political debate.
That, and the care and pride he took in his family, is truly the story of a life
well lived and a legacy that will be long remembered, and very much missed
Rest in peace Old Man, your life counted. Yes it did.
Dean Dexter, George H.W. Bush, Hugh Gregg, Laconia, N. H.
June 1979.
Review: Birth of the Republican Party
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Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2003, 11:30 p.m.
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