
Annual League of New Hampshire Craftsmen's
August 3 -11, 2013
Mt. Sunapee Resort, Newbury, NH
10 AM - 5 PM daily (rain or shine)
From August 3 -11, 2013, Chippaway Art Glass will
be at the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen's Fair at the Mt. Sunapee Resort
in Newbury, New Hampshire. Drop by to see Chippaway's
colorful display of birds, angels,
dragons, stars, sand-carved night lights, and much more. If you're looking
for something unique, Chippaway will
be glad to custom design and render in stained glass whatever
your imagination can envision.
At the fair enjoy craft demonstrations, workshops, performing arts, Living
With Crafts, CraftWear and NH Art Association exhibits, and more
than 200 state juried
League of New Hampshire Craftsmen members'
booths. Join the Craftsmen's Fair under flag-festooned tents
for this nine-day extravaganza
New Hampshire's tradition
of fine craftsmenship.
Call (603) 224-3375 for more information about the fair or (603) 893-2286 for direct inquiries about the stained glass by Chippaway Art Glass.