This page is a cheatsheet for new or old mud builders, specifically tailored to BoxMUD. Box is not the same as other muds. It's original code. There are things you will need to read here even if you've built elsewhere.
I've tried to put this in order of what you are likely to want to do first, and need to know first. The files are short.
I'm always adding to this. I'll put announcements up on the board in the build port when there are major changes.
PLEASE READ THIS and memorize it or print it and post it on your wall or something. It will help you make your building much better.
Pet peeve time. Don't doublespace after periods in any desc. It just makes ugly rivers of space through text. Your English teacher was wrong.
Note that you should make descriptions one long line in BoxMUD. See the page on setting lines for more info.
Any time when you're in the description editor, you get help by typing:
.h help .e end .s show .d delete .dl # delete line number # .r # str replace
line number # with str .i # str insert str before line number # .t toggle newline state
Here are some pages with info that all new builders should read:
Here are a few topics that should help:
The mud saves the item you are editing when you end editing or explicitly type save. This means you don't NEED to save an area. Unless you are paranoid. I type save every so often anyhow.
The main editors are rooms, objects, and mobs: redit, oedit, and medit, respectively.
When you're in an editor, you can do some, but not all, of the usual commands that you can do outside of the editor. You can use echo, gossip, look. But you can't do anything that conflicts with the editor commands, and you can't use a few commands that confuse the heck out of the code. Like quit. And... goto was causing problems. If you think it might confuse the code or you, type end first and then do the command.
The next few links contain info on using redit, the room editor.
The medit and oedit editors are similar to redit. They edit mobs and obs respectively. Get into the editor and type help; it'll give you a list of commands. For consistency across all editors, the "keyword" is what you type to interact with the object, the "name" is what you see when you interect (x gets "name"), the "short" is what you see when you it's in a room, and the "long" is when you explicitly look at it. For mobs and objects, "long" is edited just the same way the room description is. See The Building Rules List
for specifics.
Here are a couple pages on specific topics in these editors:
There are some other edit commands.
stat apple
(This doesn't currently work. Currently, Box is in debug mode.
grant playername builder
Syntax: stat [mobile/player/object]
Some of these aren't implemented, or are spotty.
Keel gossips, 'Also, if you want to check stuff like that, use shutdown.'
Keel gossips, 'The MUD's set up via a .bat file, so it'll just come right back up.')
revoke playername builder
Last Modified: 17 July 05